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Writer's pictureKris Avalon

Disgraced Far Right Gay Porn Director Michael Lucas Under Fire For Zionist Tweet

Polarizing porn troll and genocidal maniac Michael Lucas has come under fire after posting a tweet of his name written on an IDF missle aimed towards the Palestinian community.

As of this report, the UN has confirmed that over 20,000 Gazans have been murdered by Israeli bombings, all of which are in violation of Geneva Conventions and part of Israel’s decades-long attempt to seize control of land that rightly belongs to Palestinians. At least 70% of those killed in Israel’s latest barbaric genocide have been women and children.

Since his disgusting tweet, many adult film stars and fans have taken to Twitter to express their disdain towards the founder of Lucas Entertainment, and have vowed to hit him where it his wallet.

I must say this news warms my cold little black heart and gives me hope that through all the disgustingness that floods the internet (and the world) there is hope for humanity.

People should not be surprised by this tweet, since Michael has a long history of supporting right-wing terrorists.

He's called Syrian refugees "barbarians," when strapped for cash he used his OnlyFans account to sell an old cell phone recording he took of gay porn star Ashton Summers (BTW he didn't even tag Ashton in the post which makes be believe he was going to put out the video without his permission).

He had to pay Beau Reed $1,020 in unpaid wages after the adult film star took Lucas to court, and let's not forget the other reports of physical and emotional abuse claims towards other adult film stars.

I even did a report on Geordie Jackson who claimed Michael tried to kill him by injecting him with drugs.

As I said before I'm glad people are speaking out, and going forward I hope adult film stards will take a stand and refuse to not only refuse to work with Lucas Entertainment, but any models who continue to work with Michael after the fact. I will always be on the side of peace.

You can watch that video at the following link

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